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Mairie de Bedous
Place François Sarraille - 64490 BEDOUS
T. (+33) 5 59 34 70 45
F. (+33) 5 59 34 58 20

Adiu Plana de Bedous, Caminau d’Espanha… (Goodbye plains of Bedous, on the way to Spain – a Bearnese song sung in festivities both local and further afield). Bedous has never forgotten its repertoire of Pyrenean songs. Pierre Laclède, founder of the city of St Louis in the United States in 1765, was from Bedous. His birthplace is now a bed-and-breakfast, as though it were bringing back the descendants of those that one day were obliged to leave and try their luck on the other side of the Atlantic as shepherds.

Those that remain cross the main square with their flocks in June and September and stop to water their animals at the fountain before continuing their migration. The bells, bleats, colours and smells transport us through time. Bedous has for centuries been the commercial hub of the valley and its square with its Thursday market is witness to this. South of Bedous, the district of Orcun gathers around a magnificent chapel, classified as an historic monument , with interior ashlars dating from the 18th century and an altarpiece, a pulpit, a coffered ceiling and a main altar.

. [ Vallée d'Aspe ]

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